Dr. Melissa Fristrom
Combining front line business experience
with deep psychoanalytic insight.

Blog Highlights
Instead of a simple, linear process, I believe that lasting change requires a cycle of three elements, which I call the Pathway to the Power of the Hidden.
It is by exposing and understanding the unconscious barriers that you can surmount them.
Often, we blame ourselves for this inability to change…the real culprit is often our unconscious, which is blocking our efforts to change without our being aware of it.
Failure to change is rarely due to some shortcoming on our part. There is nothing wrong with us. Instead, this inability to change comes from obstacles and roadblocks thrown up by our unconscious.
Identify your problem solving style, and be much more effective, especially when working in a group.
It can be a challenge when there are plenty of things that need to be done, but no definite deadlines to help prioritize
Unless hidden obstacles are understood and addressed, lasting change to a group’s culture can be impossible.
The essence of leadership lies not in doing things yourself, no matter how good you are at it.
Few of us face literal 100 foot waves in our lives, but we all encounter metaphorical waves or crises
Instead of trying to fix yourself this year, I would encourage you to find something that interests you and learn more about it.
With more positive memories at the forefront of your thoughts, you will be in a better shape to bounce back in 2021.
The secret, as with so many things involving the unconscious, is to keep yourself present in the moment.
If you don’t spend a bit of time everyday on yourself, your work as well as your life will suffer.