Impactful Individuals
United States, 1993.
When is going it alone not enough?
As a high performing individual, you have already achieved much. However, even high performers still get stuck and still feel pain. When you can’t move on to the next level, when you can't achieve the change you want, it is often something hidden or unconscious that is holding you back.
Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. By providing a second perspective, I can help identify blocks you may not recognize, and help figure out how to overcome them. I can also help uncover your unique value by highlighting superpowers that can catapult you to even greater feats!
With me in the chair next to you, we will partner to discover what you want and how to get it.
United Kingdom, 2001.
Are you facing a
leadership inflection point?
Your leadership journey has many inflection points that provide opportunities for growth and change. Working together to uncover hidden patterns that no longer serve in new roles, we can achieve real change that delivers success and impact. Additionally, there are often new skill sets that are not taught but assumed to come through osmosis. We can work to make these transitions seamless from:
Individual Contributor to High Potential Leader
Subject Matter Expert to Thought Leader
Leader of a Single Level to Leader of Multiple Levels
Executive Office to C Suite
Start-up Entrepreneur to Organizational Leader
Côte d'Ivoire, 1999.
What are your superpowers?
Wouldn’t it be great if work brought the kind of joy expressed by this stained glass window?
Research shows that long term career satisfaction and success are directly linked to how much we enjoy our daily work. Instead of focusing on achievements, focusing on the skills we enjoy using day to day gives us access to this joy. These skills, the things that you are good at and most enjoy doing, are your superpowers.
I help you find your superpowers, digging deep to identify and understand the hidden joy, which is often confused by expectations, habitual patterns and the pressure of performance. Once found, we work on enhancing your superpowers, discovering how best to deploy them for maximum impact.
United States, 1991.
Are you being heard?
What unconscious patterns are holding you back?
Whales breach so that they can be heard over the static of all the other noise in the ocean.
It is only by solving the deeper, tougher problems of success that we can be heard and stop holding ourselves back. By uncovering unconscious patterns and beliefs that create behaviors immune to sheer will power alone, we will find new ways to be heard. So when grit and determination, or analytical reasoning, no longer get us where we want to go, we uncover an unconscious barrier we need to identify and overcome.
Case Studies
What do I do when I am burdened by the perceptions of others?
A client at a major services firm was in line for a top position, but the selection committee had reservations that she was too conflict-avoidant in her decision making.
Working together, we discovered that the core to her decision-making style was to gather sufficient information from multiple sources before making confident and often bold decisions. Previously, without understanding her own process she was unable to effectively communicate her process to others.
Our work allowed this client to recast her decision-making approach in a new light and turn what had been a negative into a positive trait. She was also able to better communicate where she was in the decision making process, allowing her to better manage key stakeholders.
Jamaica, 1990.
Tanzania, 1999.
I just got a stretch promotion. What happens when they find out I don’t know what I’m doing?
The fear of being an impostor is rampant and common. Most people feel this at some point in their career. It is especially common when someone receives a stretch promotion.
A recent high potential client I worked with felt completely out of his depth after a promotion. He had never been taught the leadership skills necessary to succeed in his new position, and his leadership style was not getting the results he thought it should.
In our work together, I shared best practices of leadership, we explored the breadth of leadership styles available to him, and he did the work to uncover his unconscious blocks around success and failure. At the end of our engagement, a 360 assessment produced spectacular results, thanks to the insights we had uncovered and his hard work.